After a long haitus from updating, and sporatic work outs, I'm back on track! I did not do the St. Peter Rec Plex triathlon because I came down with a chest infection. (I did not know this at the time but determined it later, good thing I passed!)
I'm still going to spinning weekly. The work outs keep getting harder which makes them better for me, I am looking into finding some place closer so that I can go more than once a week. I'm back on the running kick too. Goals: 5x 8 Min miles. How I'm doing so far? The 2 days I ran this week I did a 3 mile loop. Monday: 22:17 and 22:28. I will give all of this credit to spinning which requires you to work outside your comfort zone. Running to me before was always just something I did. I would run but never really pushed myself aerobicly. I would sweat and I would be tired and I would push my distance but aside from the couple of weeks of sprints I did this summer, speed training was just not in the works. This is changing! I need to feel like I'm working for something and this will do it! So, I'm on my way to my goal. Tonight I'm going to try to run 3.5 miles with 7:45 splits (27min 7.5 seconds). Can it be done?