Thursday, December 15, 2005

week 2

Week 2 has gone off with out a hitch. My last spinning class was canceled so I was forced to run last night.

Tuesday: 3.1 M 23:57
Wednesday: 3.1M 24:18

I seem to have come down with a nasty case of shin splints. Hopefully things will improve with a little strecting!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

SUCH a workout

Day 3 and all is going well, except for the unexpected snow storm (if you can call it that) Thursday night postponing my run till Friday. I shoveled for 40 minutes which was a work out of it's own.

My real complaint is the city of U City unable to grasp the concept of shoveling. I have never been so sore after a 3 mile run in my life. I had to stop at one point running up Hanley, can you believe it? I could not handle the snow on the sidewalks anymore so I altered my route a bit to take streets, which were not alwasy better, and ended up at 3.3 miels in 29:13. Definately not a great run. Imagine running in sand uphill?!? That's what I was dealing with. It wasn' slippery most of the time, just thick snow impossible to lift your feet up in.

Poor me :)
Hopefully the park is cleared today for my 6 mile run with Matt. Yeah for a running partner!

SUCH a workout

Day 3 and all is going well, except for the unexpected snow storm (if you can call it that) Thursday night postponing my run till Friday. I shoveled for 40 minutes which was a work out of it's own.

My real complaint is the city of U City unable to grasp the concept of shoveling. I have never been so sore after a 3 mile run in my life. I had to stop at one point running up Hanley, can you believe it? I could not handle the snow on the sidewalks anymore so I altered my route a bit to take streets, which were not alwasy better, and ended up at 3.3 miels in 29:13. Definately not a great run. Imagine running in sand uphill?!? That's what I was dealing with. It wasn' slippery most of the time, just thick snow impossible to lift your feet up in.

Poor me :)
Hopefully the park is cleared today for my 6 mile run with Matt. Yeah for a running partner!

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