Sunday, February 13, 2005

Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adios, Until We Meet Again

I did it. I completed 10 weeks of marathon training and a 1/2 marathon! I ran farther than I ever thought I could and ran more miles than I ever thought I'd want to run. Yes, I am going to focus on what I did accomplish.

I have decided for a number of reasons to discontinue training for the St. Louis Marathon. My #1 reason is because I have mentally given up and while the last couple of weeks my legs have been going through the motions, my mind was not committed. My assessment is that running a marathon is 70% a mental game. Your body will go further if you push it, but you have to be able to hang in there mentally. As this weekend's 15 miles approached, I was really dreading the run, the pain I would feel in my knees, and the fight I would have to do with my own thoughts to try to keep my legs moving.

I have learned so much and accomplished a lot of mini goals. I'm really glad Sarah tricked me into training with her and I don't regret any of it. I wish Sarah the best of luck in continuing her training and am very proud that she is carrying on. I know she can do it and will kick butt. I'll be there to cheer her on!

So for now I am saying goodbye. I may be back one day in the future to attempt running a marathon again, and while I might not have crossed the finish line, I did enjoy the journey.


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