Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The new bike rack came yesterday. I'm pleased with the product but not the service. I guess that's what you get when you buy from Ebay!

While Evan was assembling and getting the bikes ready for a bike ride, I took Casey to the park where the Loo's decided we should all go to dinner, so I ditched the work out and opted for dinner with friends instead. I'm still feeling a little guilty as I haven't been in the pool for over a week now but then Evan reminded me that 7 months ago it would have been no contest for working out or hanging out with friends. He's right but if I'm going to do this and be committed and get what I want out of it, I need to be committed. there are going to be many opportunities this summer to ditch the work out for an evening out so I either need to adjust my schedule or learn to say no.

So I decided to adjust my schedule. I got up before 5:3o am to get to the pool and then bike to work. I had my bag mostly packed although not totaly because to be quite honest, I wasn't 100% confident I would get up. So....with my bag packed I headed to the pool and after dealing with locked doors, a secret enterance to the locker room and a whole slew of confusion, I got to the pool to find no open lanes. So I left. I didn't want to share. what do I do, just jump in someones lane and start swimming? It felt weird so I left. I still biked to work though, and I was early so it wasn't a total lost of an early rise. Now I know for next time to get there early and what to do once I get there, hopefully I'll get in the pool on Friday.

Tonight it's either run or bike. I prefer to bike but Casey needs some lovin' and Evan's golfing so it looks like running, unless I want to be gone all night between the park and the run.


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