Sunday, January 23, 2005

The next day

The day after the long run.....
Yesterday was a bit on the miserable side but what an accompolishment! When trying to decide if we should turn around and "try again tomorrow" or finish what we started, we decided that tomorrow (Sunday) it would probably be just as nasty out and we would feel so good to be inside all warm and FINISHED with our run. So we trecked on.

Wouldn't you know, today is still cool (below freezing) but there is absolutely NO WIND! Oh well, I'm glad to be done and have the hard part of the weekend over.

Sunday's are supposed to be cross training days. You do something else active and give your legs a rest from running. I have not been very diligent about the cross training days, I'll admit. Last night whenI went to bed I figured there was no way I would get my bod
y to do anything remotely active in the morning, but you'd be amazed at what a good nights rest and some Tylenol can do for you!

Today was lifting arms/back and a nice brisk walk. Nothing much but Holly is right, it does wonders! Tomorrow is we rest. Can't complain about that. The weather looks good for the week. No more huricane's in the forecast.

Check out the local weather

More on Tuesday most likely!


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