Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Our week begins

Do you like the pic of Casey and I? We were ready to start our run. Today I was very disapointed. It was 70 today! However, not when I ran. I didn't get out till after 8pm. The sun went down, a cold front was coming in which brought with it rain and wind. When I turned onto Kingsland and into the wind, flash backs from our run in St. Charles hit me. It wasn't nearly as bad but it was cold, windy, and some sort of precipitating. I only was wearing the wind braker and a tank top because I thought it would be warm out. Silly me! That only made us run faster. It was a nice run. I ran on a few new streets which is always nice. Tomorrow, 8 miles. I need to get creative tomorrow....I'm getting bored with the neighborhood.


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