Saturday, March 19, 2005


I like biking. It's sad to say but today was probably the first time I've riden a "real bike", one that actualy is designed to move, in over 8 years!!!! It tooke me a little time to get comfortable and get my balance set OK. I almost fell once. How embarrasing! A 26 year old woman falls off her bike. Oh wow. That would have been something.

I took a nice relaxing 16 mile bike ride today. The park was swarming with runners which only made me feel more guilty at first but hey, I was still out there doing something so decided guilt was going to get me no where. It was cold and windy on the bike. I hardly broke a sweat.

Today was a nice cross training day, preparing me for tomorrows long run.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to ride my bike around the neighborhoods at Dickinson all the time and my first ride out sophomore year I fell! I had to get up, dust myself off, and ride home with my knees scraped up like a 5 year-old. I still have a scar on one knee from the event. It was pretty funny though ... I am glad no one was around to witness it!! :-)

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to ride my bike around the neighborhoods at Dickinson all the time and my first ride out sophomore year I fell! I had to get up, dust myself off, and ride home with my knees scraped up like a 5 year-old. I still have a scar on one knee from the event. It was pretty funny though ... I am glad no one was around to witness it!! :-)

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have a bike-or did you ride Evan's. It seems like it might be too tall!. Sounds like you had a promising weekend. We had a fun w;end. Lindsay and Greg came down to check out reception places and Lindsay tried on a couple dresses at Celebration. Had dinner with them before they headed back. Chuck flies into Chicago around 9:30 and then they drive back here. I have been helping Derek with his photography portfolio and I am now off to bed. Have a great week!

11:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Evans bike was definately too big. And the seat was not "fitted" for a girl. It was nice of him to le me use it but I don't think I'll be doing so again soon.

9:41 AM  

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