Saturday, March 05, 2005


I RAN 20 MILES TODAY!!! OK so I was only supposed to run 18. I only intended on running 18. I had a nice path mapped out from Weldon Springs to Augusta on the Katy Trail. It was supposed to be 10 miles out and 10 miles back and I planned to stop 1 mile shy of Augusta.....I never found Augusta. I discovered about half way through the run that there were mile markers. I knew that the Augusta stop should be at about mile 65. I got to mile marker 65, no such luck. Then mile marker 66, still no sign of it up ahead either. So, I turned around at mile 66. I figured that I would run until I hit 9 miles and if I needed to I would run past the car and then trun around and run back, because 9 miles each way would be 18 miles. When I got to mile 59, 7 miles later, I knew that I still had 6 miles left! So, that puts my total mileage to 22 if I ran back to the car! I ran 4 more miles, total of 20 and then walked the last 2 to the car. Total time was 3 hours 48 minutes!
There was a high route and a low route for about 3 miles and I stayed on the low route because it looked the most like what I was already running on. I assume that Augusta was on the high route and that's why I missed it.

The coures was scenic and flat. The weather was perfect. There was a breeze but it kept me cool. The temp was about 50 degrees and I actually got a sun burn on my arms.

I probably should have eaten a little more before. I was really nervous all morning and couldn't eat because of it. The extra energy would have been very helpful. But I'm done now and I don't feel horrible so I'm going to focus on the positives and REST tonight.


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