Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Ugh. That's about all I have to say about tonights run. Yesterday and Saturday went so well it's discouraging to have a run like tonight. 10 miles. The longest non-long-run to date. Meaning, it's the longest I've run with out that being THE long run for the week.

I was able to run the whole thing though. No stops except for stop lights (8 of them)

Here are the factors I've decided led to this feeling:
  • My sugar intake today was higher than it's been in MONTHS. Food day at work coupled with the need for caffine, which I found in the form of pop, twice.
  • I hardly slept at all last night
  • I was in horrible spirits today about most things. I'll just leave it at that and spare you the details.

I finished in 1h 38 minutes, less than the 10 minute miles I allowed myself but my hip is still bothering me as well as my knees. I couldn't have run another mile if someone offered to pay me $1000. In 3.5 weeks I have to run 16 more than I ran tonight. Let's face it....I'm a big grouch today. I'm taking some tylenol, a hot shower and calling it a night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there! We're behind you (if that helps at all)! Good to talk to you.
Love and a hug,

9:45 PM  

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