Monday, February 28, 2005

5 More Weeks

Only 5 weeks left. Hard to believe? I will feel a lot better when the next 3 weeks are over and I get to taper down one last time. I know at this point that I CAN do it, but I still get worried before every long run. I only have 2 more "I've never ran that far before" runs and I'm pretty darn excited about it.

Last week I took it easy, shorting myself 4 miles total. I don't regret it after how good I felt on Saturday but I've got to kick it back into high gear for this weekend. 18 miles! A co worked tells me I should alter my schedule to do 20 this weekend and 23 the final weekend. But I don't think I will. I know it's only 2 more miles but I'm not ready for 20 yet. I need to know that I can do 18 first. Than maybe MAYBE I'll do more than 20 the last long week.

I've found myself lately wondering what I'm going to do with my self aftet this is over. It's still too far away to think that way but if I were to think that way, I would probably keep up the running, just not so many miles. I'd probably decide that I would stick with the 13 mile and under races and work on time instead of the "just finishing" goal. But I'll go down that road again in a few short weeks!

I'm now taking volunteers for who wants to jump in and commit 1 or more miles to keeping me company and keeping my feet moving. I already have identified my "problem" areas of the course so you will be assigned a place to jump in and keep me going. I also need a kick A&% outfit for race day. Any ideas? It has to be comfortable but the funkier the better. I'll probably put my name on my shirt and something with bright colors. Send your ideas and your mile commitment my way!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you Sarah. I think your attitude is right on track for this part of the training. Everyone has their opinion, but I wouldn't run more than 20 if I was you. I read that after 20 miles your body starts to breakdown (in terms of muscles overusage) so you would have to taper and then try to build back up all before the marathon. I would just stick with your normal training schedule because if you can get through 20 can make 6 more even if it involves more walking! :) You know I'll take you up on some half marathons any time in the future! :)

4:37 PM  

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