Friday, April 29, 2005

I'm still at it.

I’ve decided to keep up this journal so because I am going to start training for *something* but I will not announce until the time is close and until I have time to gauge my athletic ability. Also, this keeps me motivate. I will say that the QC marathon is the same weekend of Mike and Emily’s wedding in New York, which I have been waiting for since they announced the date, so that doesn’t fit so well into my schedule. Sorry Mom and Dad, I so wanted you to see me run that one. The Chicago is in October but Rich is talking about running that so I’ll have to ponder on that for a while. There is also the ever-popular Twin Cities marathon in October also that Allison is running but I actually think registration might be closed already. It fills up really quickly. The Louis and Clark marathon is the end of September here so that is most definitely a possibility in the mean time. I have it on my calendar. Working back from the end of September, I would need to start a training program by the middle of June. I’m going to try something different than Hal for this one. I still have more research to be done.

I decided not to do the bike race this week. I did get a bike though. I road it once this week. It’s been raining constantly since we got back into town. When we got Evan’s bike it rained for 2 weeks straight so he never got into riding it to work. Looks like I’m destined to the same fate. My plan for the weekend is to get out on a nice long ride to get a feel for the bike. So far so good though! I got out on Wednesday to attempt a 10K around the park. I’m not sure how far I went or how long I ran because I didn’t have my watch but I headed back to the car at one point and ended up not saving myself any distance. I never was really “lost”, I always knew where I was, but I would make a turn thinking it would get me where I wanted to go and instead I would end up somewhere else. We walked for about 40 minutes. 2 good things I learned in the park: It’s a great place to bike, and by biking in the streets there I can get comfortable with biking in the streets with out having to actually be on the city streets with real traffic. I think because it’s a park, I feel more safe. Also, there are many small-unknown bike paths for running. Now that I have a month or two where I don’t have to worry about distance I can go out for a jog and do a little exploring in the park.

My current goals are to work on speed and strength. I am going to start swimming and lifting. I have a training program in mind that involves 6 days of exercise but on a much more mild scale than before but before I need to try it for a few weeks before I post it. I am done being lazy and stuffing my mouth with what ever I think sounds good. This weekend marks the shift to a more active lifestyle, for the whole family! I want to take the bikes out tomorrow for a nice ride and then get a nice run in on Sunday which will kick start this program nicely.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


I am mostly recovered today. Yesterday was a huge improvement and today I didn't even flinch when walking down the stairs. I inteded to get to the gym yesterday but it didn't happen so today I'm biking. I want to do a duathon April 30th which requires being able to bike 15 miles after having run a 5K. I'll know more in a week if I'm up to it.

Here are the official race photos: Select Spirit of St. Louis marathon and my tag number is 736.

Also, on an unrelated note, Wash U, ranked # 6 national won their first game against Vermont ranked #19 national. They are playing #4 UT Dallas as we speak. They are down 1 defender last I heard but had a good showing at the first game. To watch the action (second hand) check out the NCRHA website at

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I give up

I can't figure out how to get rid of the stupid picture on the side or to do what I want with these other pictures....I give up for the night.

Beautiful flowers from my husband.

Mile 13. Excited to see my family.

My family there to help support me. Jeane, Evan, Me, Holly, Chuck

The starting line

Where to begin.....

On Sunday April 10th at 12:02 PM I crossed the finish line of my first marathon. The clock time read 5:02:32 but my watch said 4:59:45. Just shy of 5 hours.

Saturday night, the in-laws arrived around 4pm and we went to pick up the packet, drive the race course and get some dinner. We had Ciceros for dinner. Spaghetti and 1 beer to calm the nerves. I was home and in bed by 10:30, set the alarm for 4:45. I woke for the first time at 3:30. I went back to bed and slept off and on for the next hour and half. At 5 I was up and was surprisingly awake and OK with being up at that hour. I forced myself to eat a bowl of Wheaties and 2 pieces of toast, a glass of juice and 2 glasses of water. I had just enough time to eat, dress, stretch and get down town by 6:30. We had a minor crisis with safety pins, being that there were none provided in the race packet and I could not find any in the house. Crisis averted when I remember the "wedding emergency kit" in the closet that had safety pins in it.

I got to the starting line and the nerves were in full force, I had to pee like no other. So did everyone else apparently. I waited in line for what seemed like forever, and then made my way to the starting line. I met up with the 4:45 New Balance pace group and acquainted myself with the pacer, Jonathon and a few other girls in the group. My plan was to stick with them as long as possible. In my group was Curtis who had now completed 3 marathons. I came to find out Curtis was a better pacer than Jonathon. There were about 40 people in the pace group and most of them were completing the half only. I tried to find someone running the whole thing to stick with but had no luck.

The first 5 miles FLEW by. According to both Jonathon and Curtis, we were consistently 2 minutes off of our pace (too fast I think). I'm saying it's the adrenaline. There were a total of 8300 runners, about 7000 of them running the half. All 8300 of us ran the first 10 miles of the course together. This made water stops difficult. There was water/Gatorade at every other mile for the first 18 miles, and then every mile after that. The water stops at 2, 4 and 6 were SOOO crowded. I was grateful to have brought my water belt so I didn't have to stop. I lost the rest of the pace group over water stops 6 and 8, and never saw any of them again.

At mile 5, the Loo's were waiting to cheer me on. It was a great feeling to see a familiar face. At mile 7 I saw Evan, Jeane and Chuck and Chuck jumped in for his first 3 miles with me. Evan and Jeane had a sign with my name on it, it was so much fun to see. I wish I could have stopped but I had to keep going. I ditched my empty water bottle and traded it for a mini bottle of water that Chuck kindly carried for me. This meant I didn't have to stop at the next 2 water stops either. I also saw Suzanne, and the Loo's again at mile 7. Such a great feeling. Chuck ran the next 3 miles with me, and at mile 10, the half marathoners also dropped of. I then entered the park and was running alone for 3 miles. For about a mile of that I hooked up with 2 girls from Florida who traveled here to run this race. They ran with me and kept me occupied for mile 12 till I saw the Keiblers again! Chuck ran about another half mile with me and then there was mile 14 already. I was more than half done. How did this happen? I am supposed to be miserable and in pain. The weather was georgous, the course was scenic and entertaining and the crowd and volunteers were so supportive. I got pretty emotional from mile 10 to 14. When the volunteers would cheer I would choke out a "thank you" and think, how cool of them to come out here and cheer on people they've never met. It's was a really cool feeling. The first 13 miles were consistent at 11 minutes. I was pleased.

At mile 14 my boss, Rich, joined me for 6 miles. He's a much better runner than I was and I was afraid I would burn out trying to keep up with him. He pushed me for about 2 miles, somewhere under 11 minutes, which is where I was comfortable, so I got him to slow down a bit at 16. We saw the Keiblers again at 16. Chuck ran a few blocks and I got to re load on gummy bears for energy. Mile 16 on was what I dreaded the most. I ran that route at least once a week and was way too familiar with all of the hills and the crack, bumps, you name it. Somehow, it didn't bother me. I felt strong and continued on.

At mile 17 Holly was there with a towel and Gatorade and more candy for energy. She was such an encouragement jumping in to keep up with me, cheering me on and being enthuastic. Rich and I continued to mile 18 where they started bananas, and fruit and Gu. I did not opt for the Gu, having not tried it before, I wasn't sure how I would take it. Rich still kept with my slow pace, I was grateful having him there. Then it was down the loop. When running on Delmar, they had closed down only 1 lane of traffic. It was weird running with cars so close to you. Traffic was not moving very quickly so sometimes I felt like I was making it further than they were!

At mile 19 I stopped to go to the bathroom. I thought I had to go but actually did not. I still needed the break and took a minute to stretch while I was waiting for the Port-a-John to clear. 1 more block till I picked up Chuck again. I saw the family again at mile 19. Again a sight for sore eyes. It was starting to get hot I could tell because Evan had taken off his fleece. I was starting to feel like I was getting tired, but I kept going.

At mile 20 Rich left to head back to his car and Chuck and I continued. It was starting to hit me. I had just run 20 miles and had another 6 to go. I don't remember feeling as excited about the experience any more. My stomach was aching and I was beginning to wonder how I would make the next 6 miles. I tried to stop for water but had no room, so I passed on the water. I waddled through the next 2 miles somehow missing mile 21. Missing a mile is the BEST feeling. You're looking for mile 21 and then you see mile 22! The mile 22 water stop was followed by a hill that looked like a mountain at that point. Before the top of the mountain I started to really feel sick. Then I got sick, twice. Who knew, I was 100% better after than and I could actually pick my feet up off of the ground again. That continued for almost another mile. Holly replace Chuck sometime after that, and I saw Evan and Jeane for the last time till the end of the race. They both looked hot now so I knew the temperature was heating up. Holly came equipped with a towel and Gatorade, which was perfect considering I had just lost all of the Gatorade I just drank about a half mile back on the side of the road. From that point on I stopped at every water stop to drink something. I got sick one more time but I honestly cannot remember where. I'm trying to picture it in my head but I just can't. I remember seeing mile 24 and getting really emotional again. Who knew I would make it that far and still be moving my legs......The last 2 miles were anything but fun but I made it through. Holly was a huge support and said all the right things. She just talked and kept me going which was what I needed.

I rounded the corner to the finish line and saw the clock: 5 hours on the nose. I knew I was about 2 or 3 minutes off of the gun time so I had about 3 minutes to get over the finish line. I picked it up as fast as my tired legs could take me and crossed the finish line. The first person I saw that I knew was Heather, from work, and her daughter Taylor. I hugged the life out of them and heard Holly shouting my name on the other side. Heather and Taylor crossed over and I met my friends and family outside of the shoot. The officials gave me a warm bottle of water and removed my chip from my shoe. I grabbed a banana, a bagle, some string cheese and a cold juice box....everything they had to offer and went to sit down and enjoy the feeling of being done.

I am sooooo grateful for Chuck and Holly mostly for pushing me and allowing me to bit of a baby at times (specifically mile 20-22, and mile 26). Also for the Loo's, Suzanne, Heather and Taylor, and my wonderful husband and mother-in-law for being there with smiling faces, open arms, and all of the essentials cheering me on through the miles.

It was such a wonderful experience, a wonderful day! All of the good and the bad. I can't say I'm anxious to go out and register for another marathon any time soon, but I don't regret this one bit.

Monday, April 11, 2005

More to come

I'll write my entire experience when Evan is gone and I have some computer time. Until then....I'm off to lay on the couch some more and maybe get in another walk around the block if it stops raining.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Superstar Sarah!

Great job Sarah! You were amazing. Today was blistering hot and the sun was unforgiving. I waited at mile 18 to cheer Sarah on. It was right at the top of a killer hill and she was flying. I can't believe how fast you were going. Then I zipped over to mile 22 and waited to join her. I ran the last 4 miles with her and she was in great spirits. Not only did Sarah finish her first marathon ever, but she did it in an amazing time of 5 hours for a whopping 26.2 miles. I'm so proud of you Sarah, not just for completing the marathon, but for sticking with the grueling training for the past 18 weeks. Way to go!

Friday, April 08, 2005

I love my friends.....

This just in, a beautiful plant from Crystal. The people at work are teasing me that everyone thinks I'm dying.

I love this!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

What a day!!!

I’ve never gotten anything delivered to me at work before…Today I got TWO things. First Holly sent me a fruit basket, then I got the worlds largest peace lily from my mom. What a great day! They made my week in fact!

I just finished my last run of this training program. 2 whopping miles. It felt great. I forgot to start my watch so I have no idea how long it was but it felt like 10 minutes. Yesterday I opted for a gym work out as my knees were killing me and I needed to take it easy. I enjoyed that work out. No one was at the gym so I had the place all to myself.

With this program wrapping up, I feel a great amount of gratitude towards all my friends and family and have a round or thank you’s to get in so in no particular order:

  • Thank you to Amy A for putting this crazy idea in my head. Who knew I’d actually do it?
  • Much appreciation and love my husband who sacrificed home cooked meals, time alone together, a clean apartment, and at times my general good nature.
  • Allison, Hope and the others who have gone down this road before me; I will never forget all of the advise you’ve given me. Thank you for giving me the courage to do this.
  • A big hug and a thank you to Holly for humoring me long enough to actually get through a half marathon and helping to keep me going strong. I owe you huge
  • Love to all of my friends and family who have shown their support daily through calls and emails. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated.
  • To my in-laws for making the treck down to bring some Iowa cheer
  • A huge HOORAY to my father in law for committing to 6 miles, Holly with 3 (at least I think) , and Amy with 2. A shout out to all my friends from the Lou who will come out to cheer on Sunday morning, even for the first stretch before 9am.

So now I’m off to prepare for the ‘big day’. I’ve got my weekend planned out. Today for lunch it’s Pasta House with the girls. Dinner is a quite night in with my husband, after running errands to get ready for the weekend. Tomorrow is PF Changs for dinner with the in-laws, packet pick up and resting. I’ve got my wardrobe picked out: Look for me in pink short sleeve shirt, black shorts and white shoes and socks. Oh, and don’t forget the knee brace (which I still have to buy a new one….) Keep me in your prayers on Sunday. All I’m asking for is a finish.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Long, random thoughts

Why was 8 miles yesterday SOOOO difficult for me? I had a good night sleep Saturday night. I had food in my stomach (but not too much) and seemed to be fairly hydrated. I ran outside in 70-degree weather and the park was packed with other runners, walkers, bikers, and rollerbladers. It was an environment very conducive to being active. I have run many more than 8 miles in one afternoon before. I have felt better after wards than I did yesterday. WHY??? I came home discouraged that I could barely make my legs work the last mile and only ran 1/3 of what I’d run next week. I’m trying to figure out what I did wrong so that I don’t do it this week. So far I’m at a loss.

I was supposed to do 8 miles but could not find anyway to get to the park that would only be 1 mile so I ran 1.8 to the park, 6.2 around the park and 1.8 back for a total of 9.8. Considering I shorted myself 2 miles the previous week and a few weeks ago I was running over 10 miles twice a week, I figured it couldn’t make that much of a difference. I’m hoping that’s why I felt so terrible…..Can I say that’s the reason? Although I somehow managed to maintain 10 min/mile pace (it’s sick how consistent I am) I felt like I was barely moving for a while there. I finished at exactly 1 hr 36 min. BUT, I felt like it’d been 4 hours.

I wore a cotton T shirt and felt very uncomfortable after only 20 minutes, I did not wear my knee brace because I was wearing shorts and do not like to wear it when others can see it. On Friday I took my knee brace and turned in upside down and it worked great (so that the Velcro was on the outside of my knee). The last time, and only time so far, I wore my knee brace with shorts, the Velcro rubbed on the inside of my left knee something terrible. Not something I want to experience on 26.2 miles, so I experimented with running without the brace for 8 miles yesterday. Not a good idea. I will definitely be wearing it on Sunday. In fact I may get a new one as this one has seen it’s better days.

I’ve also been struggling with what to wear race day. Race starts at 7am. I’ll finish around noon. So, there is bound to be a variety of temperatures. Yesterday, I was out at around 11am, which is about when I’ll be starting the last leg of the race. I was comfortable in shorts and short sleeves, had it been not cotton. I’m gonna see how it feels at 7am every day this week and the re evaluate the situation. As of right now, I bought a short-sleeved dry fit shirt yesterday at TJ Maxx for $6 that I plan to wear with some of my tried and true running pants. The only problem is they were great for cold, windy, wet runs and I’m afraid they will be too thick for this run. I also bought shorts yesterday but I don’t like to show my knee brace. Should I suck it up and wear the shorts? Probably, but we’ll see. This week it’s going to be pushing 80. On Sunday they are calling for scattered thunderstorms and 68 degrees, PERFECT as long as it’s not lightening and there is minimal wind.

So this last week I’ve got some major mind control to work on. I need to prepare for a 26 mile run and then I can do a 26-mile run, right? Mind over matter is all it takes at this point.
Checklist for the week:

  • Watch what I eat
  • I think I can, I think I can
  • Make sure what I plan to wear is clean and dry
  • Get enough rest
  • Positive reinforcements
  • 3 more runs, 1 day of cross training to stay loose
  • Remember this is supposed to be fun

Saturday, April 02, 2005


I took Evan's bike out today for my cross training. I like it with a few obvious exceptions:
The seat (made for boys not girls), it's too long (can be fixed when I get my own) and the tires are too big (I can get smaller ones). Still I know nothing about biking in fact I ride on the sidewalks which I'm assuming is a huge no-no from the looks I was getting. Sorry folks, I'm an amature and you would NOT want me in the street. Besides, I don't have a helmet. So I decided to stay on side streets until I'm more versed in biking.

Tomorrow: 8 Miles. I plan to run in the park. Today was georgous out and tomorrows supposed to be twice as nice so there will be tons of people there which is much more fun.

Here is the link for the course next weekend, if anyone is curious. Yesterday at work I wrote out the times I expected to be at each major location in case anyone I work with wanted to come out and cheer. I'll do the same for those of you coming down this weekend. Made me realize what a LONG day it's going to be....

Friday, April 01, 2005

The next step

This weekend I want to go bike shopping. I want a bike now. I am seriously considering doing this event in Mattoon Beach IL on April 30th. MIGHT be too close to the marathon but if I take a week off and then bike/run for a few weeks, I think I could do it. Don't you?

I have NO IDEA what kind of bike to get. I've not bought a bike since I was 12 and I probably just got the one I thought looked the coolest and I'm pretty sure it came from Walmart. I will probably buy used but I plan to go to the bike shop to talk to them and see what they recomend for someone like me. No sense spending an arm and a leg for a bike that sits in the basement like the other bike we purchased this year. Maybe if I get a bike, Evan will use his more.

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