Saturday, April 02, 2005


I took Evan's bike out today for my cross training. I like it with a few obvious exceptions:
The seat (made for boys not girls), it's too long (can be fixed when I get my own) and the tires are too big (I can get smaller ones). Still I know nothing about biking in fact I ride on the sidewalks which I'm assuming is a huge no-no from the looks I was getting. Sorry folks, I'm an amature and you would NOT want me in the street. Besides, I don't have a helmet. So I decided to stay on side streets until I'm more versed in biking.

Tomorrow: 8 Miles. I plan to run in the park. Today was georgous out and tomorrows supposed to be twice as nice so there will be tons of people there which is much more fun.

Here is the link for the course next weekend, if anyone is curious. Yesterday at work I wrote out the times I expected to be at each major location in case anyone I work with wanted to come out and cheer. I'll do the same for those of you coming down this weekend. Made me realize what a LONG day it's going to be....


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