Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Where have I been??

This summer just slipped right away from us. We started getting busy in July with a trip to Indiana to spend the weekend with Conrad and Abbie and catch a wedding while there. I have since switched jobs also. News of the impending lay off came in June and July was busy scouring the competition for new job leads and trying to figure out where I would be spending my days from here on out. We returned to Bettendorf the last weekend in July to run the Bix. Evan did GREAT! I was very happy that he was able to do much better than he (or I) thought. We stayed together the entire time and although I would have liked to do better, we were not competing on any level so we had a great time. Evan has also been keeping up running since getting out at least once per week to keep in some sort of shape.

The first of August I started a new job. My first week was cut short by a trip to Vail Colorado for Beth Lischer's wedding with was a wonderful time, aside from Evan's temporary illness which prevented him from having the best time of his life on Saturday but he did get to have lots of fun on Friday evening. After returning from Vail, Evan spent a weekend in Chicago with the guys and I enjoyed some much anticipated R&R only to follow the next weekend with my first (and hopefully not last) triathlon. Conrad and Abbie made the trip down from Muncie to participate with me and Chuck and Jeane and Evan spectated and cheered us on! We immensely enjoyed their visit. Friday night we had a great dinner and took C & A to some of our favorite establishments. Saturday we took the dogs to the river to swim a bit. We also drove the course which was not such a good idea since the course freaked me out! Saturday night dinner at PF Changs, one of my favorites but we had very slow everything. The event was pretty much what I expected....it sucked. There was some drama with my registration preventing me from starting where I would have liked but in all fairness, my swimming was really bad had I started where I wanted I would have been passed by anyone who entered the pool while I was in it. The bike course was the complete opposite of flat. I'm not sure it was flat at any point! The run had 2 killer hills but I managed to rip through them with only my desire to finish the race in one piece. C&A did very well. Conrad enjoyed his first experience and is looking forward to next season, as am I. I wish you could race in the fall. My concentration is to increase my endurance for swimming. I don't care if I'm fast, I just don't want to be completely wiped out by the time I get out of the water. I definitely want to do an open water swim next year and up the distance. I am also doing another triathlon in the spring so that should get me in great shape. I want to do this one right, I'm not walking at all during the training (where as last time I welcomed walk breaks) unless it's a necessity due to injury or some other un avoidable circumstance.

As for now, I enjoy leisurely runs when I can fit them in! I'm getting a new bike sometime soon. mostly I don't like the position of things on my bike. It is uncomfortable and heavy. I plan to keep it around in case I want to do any trail riding with Evan which is possibly if we are ever in St. Louis for more than 5 days at a time.

We hit the road again for the next 2 weekends for weddings, Evan in the QC, me in Des Moines, and them both of us Omaha. Next weekend it's off to Chicago for a bachelorette party for me and Evan enjoys some R&R at home. His thesis proposal is scheduled for Monday the 19th! We have 1 free weekend in there before heading to NYC/Long Island for, yep you guessed it, a wedding! After that the baby is here so I'll spend a few days in the QC to help Amy out with her girls as she adjusts to having another baby in the house. We only have 1 more wedding after that, the middle of October and a shower for Amy and they we are STAYING PUT until Thanksgiving. Mark my words! (unless we catch a hawkeye game in there).

Look for more from me now. I vow to update this thing with what's going on!



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