Sunday, February 20, 2005

What is the opposite of feeling accompolished???

I'm not a big fan of that word but that's how I feel right now.

GOAL: 16 miles
ACCOMPLISHED: 11 miles running, 2.5 walking (if I'm lucky)
so, not 16 miles.
I ran less than 70% of my goal. Not only that but I couldn't even walk the remaining 5 miles.

I ran 5 miles to the park, around the park and then walked the most direct route back home. I was sore, cold, and pretty on edge about the dark and the type of people that were out tonight. That's all I'll say about that.

The last 3/4 mile there was a police woman who kept driving from one corner to another 2 or 3 streets down. She did this like 3 times. I felt much more safe even though I'm sure she was just looking for a better position to place her car to pull people over for speeding, I felt like she was watching me!

Lets see if I can find the positives about today's run.....I ran something, and I didn't die doing it. Oh and Holly told me about a bathroom in the park (that I used just to see if they would let dogs in and they do) so that's pretty cool. The weather was georgous when I started (3 hours ago) but now a storm is blowing in so there is a cool breeze and it's picked up a bit.

I've heard rumors of taking cold/ice baths to help heal sore legs. I'm trying that tonight. I don't think tomorrow will be ANY fun if I don't! I'll let you know how it does

FYI: Casey is PASSED OUT on the floor now and he has been since about 3 minutes after we walked in the door. Apparently today was hard on him as well.


Blogger Holly said...

Way to go Sarah! It was really hot yesterday so I was worried if you would stay hidrated and cool enough. 16 miles is awesome!

9:36 AM  

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