Wednesday, September 14, 2005


I want a new bike. I should have never gone to look at new bikes because now I want one more. It's just the wrong time for a new bike
a/ we are leaving for New York in ONE WEEK
b/Evan, Jeane, Conrad, and my mom, the (new) baby all have birthday's with in the month, and then the Megan and Ethan not too long after that, and then Christmas. Not the right time to be dropping upwards of $1000 on a bike.

Oh but it is the right time for a new bike....all of the 2005's or on clearance and all of the bike shops are having sales! Plus the 2006 lines are more expensive this year!

Mesa has the Specialized bike I want, on sale, but not in my size. Their sale is only on in-store bikes. So, that tells me I should not buy that bike. They do have 2 other bikes I'm semi interested in but not as much as the Specialized. Bonus for Mesa, you get 10% of the value of the bike in store credit no matter when you buy. I could get some cushioned but pants, but I also want a heart rate monitor. So I go to Touring Cyclist next. They have 3 viable options, Trek, Fuji, and an off brand. All 3 of those are at least $300 off the Specialized price with out the sale. A bonus, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the guys at Touring. SO much nicer and more laid back. They have less of a selection and their store is not as "pretty" which actualy makes me excited because I'm not paying a premium price for my bike so they can hang it on a fancy rope from the ceiling. I still plan to go to Big Shark (although they were mean to me before) to try out their Specialized bike. If they have my size and I can get them to honor Mesa's price, I'll consider this idea again, although my gut tells me "no" and I'm trying to make better decisions on things like this, but how can I say no? When I do buy a new bike, it will be hundreds of dollars more expensive! I'm getting a bike next spring at the latest, Seem silly to me to put this off for 6 months only to pay MORE money, but I know that I really should. What to do, what to do.


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