Monday, September 19, 2005

The bike situation today

Big Shark called, my bike is ready to be ridden. I forgot that the Mo Dept of Revenue and Finance owes me $300 + which will greatly help my 'new bike fund' so I've decided to hold off. This month is going to be exceptional expensive with the trip to NYC so I'm ready to not have to break the bank. Ahhhhh bummer. I was really looking forward to sporting a new bike. At least when the time comes the decision will be a lot easier!

I think I'm going to skip spinning on Wednesday. We have to be at the airport (MLI) at 5 am on Thursday so if I go to class, that doesn't get us out of here till 8pm which brings us to bettendorf at midnight and then once we get TO NYC we have a full day so I don't want to go on no sleep (although we could sleep on the plane and in the airport)

I'm off to bed (yes at 9:30) it was a long day with the mean girls from work. I've got a lot to do tomorrow since I've got 4 days off comin my way.

On a side note, Evan's proposal went SUPER WELL today and I am starting to get really excited about the "next steps" for us. This was the first major step in actualy finishing his PhD (OK so it's actualy a DrS) and getting OUT OF WASH U!!! Wooo Hoooo. Next step, thesis defense! It's really just a "yeah OK you did good" type of thing. When he leaves the room he knows if it was good enough or not!

I'm so proud of him we should have celebrated but we had frozen pizza and a bottle of wine. We are boring, what can I say.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better I fell asleep at 9:45 on the couch last night ... apparently I had a long day! :-)

8:09 AM  

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